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View All Articles | August 8, 2003

‘Hulk’ to the Rescue

Categories: Blog News

Palm Beach County, FL – Palm Beach County commissioners who question Sheriff Ed Bieluch’s big-ticket purchases of helicopters, specialty vehicles and a boat can now add “The Hulk” to the mix.

Bieluch flew to Massachusetts Friday to take delivery of a 14-ton armored vehicle that carries a $199,095 sticker price. Because the heavyweight truck is colored green, as ordered by the sheriff, it has earned the “Hulk” nickname after the comic book and film superhero.

The new vehicle carries 12 SWAT deputies and can safely load hostages amid a hail of gunfire, said sheriff’s Capt. Bill Testa, who commands the sheriff’s Emergency Response Team.

“There is a need to be able to rescue people in a bulletproof environment,” Testa said. Sheriff’s officials said no taxes were used to buy the vehicle, which was paid for with federal Law Enforcement Trust Funds obtained through drug arrest forfeitures. That money cannot be spent on routine expenses, such as salaries for deputies.

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