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View All Articles | August 27, 2021

Lenco Armored Vehicles exhibiting at National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) 143rd General Conference and Exhibition

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Lenco Armored Vehicles, the leading manufacturer of tactical armored security vehicles for law enforcement, government and fire and rescue entities worldwide since 1981, will be exhibiting at the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) 143rd General Conference and Exhibition.

“The G3 is used by thousands of agencies across the country to respond to weather events and dangerous situations that other response vehicles would not be able to handle,” said Lenny Light, Lenco Armored Vehicles vice president. “It is a versatile vehicle that all military sectors could use including medics, rescue and firefighting service personnel. As an armored response vehicle, it also keeps operators and civilians safe from flying debris and is proven to defeat gunfire.”

Taking place August 27–30 in Las Vegas, the NGAUS General Conference draws Army and National Guard officers from all 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia together to network, plan and hear from America’s civilian and military leaders. NGAUS will hold a tradeshow in conjunction with the conference featuring products and services from more than 300 companies or organizations.

The BearCat G3® rapid response vehicle, with its heavy-duty suspension, off-road tires, rims and run flats for response to natural disaster scenarios, will be featured at the conference. Its increased ground clearance and deep-water fording kit allows for emergency response in rural regions and natural disaster scenarios where standard armored vehicles would experience challenges. The open floor plan is another significant difference between the BearCat and other military platforms, allowing for the rescue of civilians or downed personnel.